Your first step to TCNN
Thank you for your interest in our school. We are delighted to share our learning ecosystem with you, and our website is a great place to start to explore all that TCNN offers.
Our desire is to always meet new students from different parts of the country, Africa and the world. But this starts annually with the sales of application forms at the beginning of August of every year. The forms can be obtained after paying a non-refundable fee (Diploma NGN 5,000; BD/BA Ling. & Trans. NGN 10,000; PGD/MDiv NGN 12,000; MTh/MA Ling. & Trans. NGN 15,000; DMin NGN 18,000; PhD NGN 20,000) to the College account – TCNN 2013904478 (First Bank of Nigeria PLC). The form is also downloadable (Click here). All downloaded application forms should be filled, scanned and sent (with all required documents, proof of payment inclusive) to
All completed application forms should go through the Head Office of the Church of the applicant for signature by the appropriate church leader. The applicant is expected to submit the completed form to the College registry. The College conducts a written entrance examination for all undergraduate applicants. The examination and interview are normally held on the second Friday and Saturday each February (check important dates and guidelines below). Entry for MA, MTh and PGD candidates is through interview or oral examination.
PGD and MTh programmes can be taken fully online also. Applicants can simply choose their mode of training by ticking the desired option on the application form.

obtain the form
Purchase or download our application form and fill it.
Submit filled form
Applicants should returned filled forms, with all relevant documents to the College registry either physically or via email ( before the due date.
Entrance exams
Applicants will sit for an exams on a stipulated date. The test will be on general knowledge, Bible knowledge and English language
Applicants of ALL our postgraduate programmes will not be subjected to any entrance exams.
Important dates and guidelines
13 June 2023
Sales of application form begins. -
9 - 10 February 2024
BA and BD Entrance Exams and interview of eligible candidates -
23 February 2024
MTh., MA in Linguistics and Bible Translation, MDiv & PGD interviews

Just download the form and APPLY.